July 30, 2016

Pizza Republic’s Pick + Mix: Toblerone Cheesecake

Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco is one of the famous and unique pizza restaurants in the Philippines and people are in hype to dine in the said resto (restaurant).

(Photo Credits)


This pizza restaurant is not the usual type of pizza store that we're accustomed to where we can just go, sit and wait for our orders in our seat for a couple of minutes and . . . devour.

To say nothing of, this restaurant offers to make your own version of pizza by your choosing your preferred toppings. 

How? Here are the steps:


STEP 2: SAUCE - You can choose your own preference for sauce be it tomato sauce, white sauce, olive oil, etc.

STEP 3: CHEESE - There is various kind of cheese to choose from such as mozzarella, cream cheese, goat cheese, etc.

STEP 4: MEAT -  There are numerous types of meat available like bacon, smoked chicken fillet, Italian garlic sausage, etc.

STEP 5: VEGETABLES - Assorted vegetables are available namely caramelize onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.

Additionally, in this section, you can ask the staff to add an egg you like. Boiled or an egg cracked on the top of your pizza.

STEP 6: SPICE/RELISH Section - Abundant flavoring enhancers available to choose from particularly basil,  dried oregano, pesto, fried garlic chips, chili flakes, etc.

STEP 7: PAYMENT COUNTER - the final step

Afterward, you can freely find your own seat and wait for your number to be called to get your pizza.



Aside from making on your own kind of pizza. There is another special thing at the Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco that chocoholic creatures would surely enjoy.

The saccharine Toblerone Cheesecake

This ice-cold delightful dessert is a perfect pair with your pizza.

What is it like?

It is like a cold melted Toblerone on the top of cheesecake.

According to Ernestine Ulmer "Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first." So, grab the chance to have a bite of this oh-so-delicious dessert. Available at any Pizza Republic "Pick + Mix" by Giuseppe Genco Pizza Restaurant.


A plain-vanilla lass who loves to delve the beauty of life with a view that "a girl without a dream is like a flightless bird". Gadabout by heart and chocoholic by nature. A teacher by profession. Licensed financial advisor. Self-driven entreprenuer. Spreading love in this chaotic world. ღ

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