October 15, 2016

Our Love Story

"Love is not even finding for a perfect hand that perfectly fits yours, it is about finding
someone who will hold your hand no matter how unfit it may be."

Every relationship is unique. Every relationship is special and not even a photocopy of our ideal love stories. Every relationship started on those “kilig” glances (butterfly in the stomach) and even started with those sweet “hellos” and simple “amping” (take care).

Almost everybody is curious about our relationship. People are asking these questions: How did it start? When did you start dating? How did you two meet? These are just some of the questions that people are throwing away just to know the details of how our relationship started. Questions that remained unanswered, because I won't still divulge it. (hihi)

As we are now in the modern world. Gone are the knight and shining armor princes' riding in a horse, gone are the Prince Charmings with their shields and swords to fight for their princesses' or even the Prince Charmings who will go to your cracker-barrel castle and serenade you. Well, in the latter maybe they are still existing yet they are now in the state of becoming extinct. (So, for those who have got, you are lucky guys. So, enjoy the show.) Modernity brought many things, including the boom of social networking sites, and as it booms people are embracing it gladly. Lovers are not exempted, posting pictures and even sweet kinds of stuff together with their beloved. In our case, we seldom do that (haha). People often ask "why are you two keeping your relationship a secret?" and we were even judged that we are not serious or worst, we've been hiding something or what. Sometimes, people presumed that one of us is not proud of it. Well, it's not like that. There's a thin line between SECRET and PRIVATE.

Relationships are not meant to be flaunted 24/7 on social networking sites, because posting a picture or video on social media is not the measurement of how much you love your partner. Well, I am not against those who are doing that, I salute you guys for being brave enough of doing such. (I am not against because I used to be like that. So, I understand. HeheAlso, it is your right, so go what makes you happy guys.

Our relationship is not perfect, and I will never claim that it is but our relationship is one of a kind. We cannot compare our relationship with Eric and Ariel in the Little Mermaid, not even to the famous Filipino love-teams and real-life lovers Jadine and Kathniel. Yes, it is pretty normal that there would be ups and downs and that's part of the relationship because even the strongest experience a sudden earthquake, but it's a matter of standing still amidst the storm. Well, love is not even finding for a perfect hand that perfectly fits yours, it is about finding someone who will hold your hand no matter how unfit it may be.

Thank you for dropping by! :)


A plain-vanilla lass who loves to delve the beauty of life with a view that "a girl without a dream is like a flightless bird". Gadabout by heart and chocoholic by nature. A teacher by profession. Licensed financial advisor. Self-driven entreprenuer. Spreading love in this chaotic world. ღ



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