October 03, 2019

Five Clear Signs You're Really Adulting Now

Adulthood is the life stage wherein a person is fully grown or mature. Fully grown to conquer life's ups and downs, and mature enough to deal with social relationships.

1. IGNORES NEGATIVITY. Gone are the days fighting back nonsense things. Now, you tend to value more the people whom you love and love you. Furthermore, you veer from life's dramas to being at home and sleeping. In other words, part of adulting is valuing sleep than going to parties.

2. BILLS ARE REAL. Parts of you have an accountant's inner soul that makes you think budgeting is the key, investing is wise and protecting your income is everything. In like manner, buying some things make you think triple-double if it's a need. For this reason, paying your bills first is your utmost goal right after you receive your paycheck.

3. PREPARES FOR THE FUTURE. The pressure is real. Most of the people at this stage feel pressured by attaining their goals in life (be it small or big). Thinks of buying a house, car, etc., and even considers getting married. Moreover, people at this stage are thinking of getting ahead for the future and make something to realize their plans.

4. HEALTH CONSCIOUS. "Health is wealth" as everybody says. As we grow older, we realize that keeping our bodies healthy is a must. Eating right is a gift to ourselves. The Adulthood stage makes you count your calorie intake for your metabolism is no longer as fast as your younger days. So, at this stage, people are becoming more health-conscious and are into diets or exercise.

5. PAST IS PAST. Adulthood makes you realize that the present is the product of yesterday's choices and you're delighted with all the life lessons it brings. To say nothing of, you tend to care more about the life you have as of the moment and what lies ahead of you than dwelling on what was left behind.

Thus, adulting is the most difficult life stage a person may encounter. As H. P. Lovecraft said, "Adulthood is hell". Indeed it's like hell, juggling life and responsibilities is hellacious. Yet, one thing's for sure, it's one of the most awesome life stages someone might come across in life that for sure we'll miss about when we rich Midlife.

Enjoy adulting for we'll never get back
to this stage again. 


A plain-vanilla lass who loves to delve the beauty of life with a view that "a girl without a dream is like a flightless bird". Gadabout by heart and chocoholic by nature. A teacher by profession. Licensed financial advisor. Self-driven entreprenuer. Spreading love in this chaotic world. ღ

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