July 18, 2016

Ge Unsa Nimo

Ge Unsa Nimo
                 by: Ynamaezing

Ambot sa mga langit
ug nawagtang ang kangit-ngit
ambot ug ge unsa pag atik
apan akong dughan na bitik

murag lastiko nga ni labtik
akong dunghan ni pitik
ug sa pinakalit, ako nahigugma pagbalik
ug sa diha-diha, na abtik

gamhanan kaayo ka
imong ge tang-tang akong mga kabalaka
Hay! ge unsa mani nimo, noy?
akong kasing-kasing nalumoy


A plain-vanilla lass who loves to delve the beauty of life with a view that "a girl without a dream is like a flightless bird". Gadabout by heart and chocoholic by nature. A teacher by profession. Licensed financial advisor. Self-driven entreprenuer. Spreading love in this chaotic world. ღ

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