June 20, 2017

Missin' You My Daddy Cool

Missin' You My Daddy Cool
by: Ynamaezing

Somethin is missin'
It's like a part of me is broken
I miss goofing around with you
Everything is so odd without you

"I miss you" those words
that turn into swords
Why you sail away so early
I miss you really

Just like a desert that misses the sporadic rainfall
roaming around, wishing I could see you in the midst of fall
it's been thirty days, it makes me like a fool
I miss you so much "daddy cool".

I dedicated this poem to my late dad, who passed away last May 19, 2017.


A plain-vanilla lass who loves to delve the beauty of life with a view that "a girl without a dream is like a flightless bird". Gadabout by heart and chocoholic by nature. A teacher by profession. Licensed financial advisor. Self-driven entreprenuer. Spreading love in this chaotic world. ღ

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