September 14, 2017

I Miss You Papa

I miss you Papa
                  by: Ynamaezing

"Missing you is like drinking a cup of coffee without sugar 'pa-et kaayo' (so bitter)"

'Twas sunset and everything was constant
and I saw you alone from a distant
walking in a park, under the gloomy sky
It's you, I'm sure. Though the place was dark

Happily, I run to your direction
I shout your name to catch your attention
and heard not even a single word
you didn't look back, it hurts like a wound

I wish I could hug you so tight, too bad
but your shadow slowly faded in mud
tears gently run to my face, oh why
"I miss you papa" that's what I wanted to say

I dedicated this poem to my late dad, who passed away last May 19, 2017.
There's no single day that I wouldn't be missing him and remembering our happy times.


A plain-vanilla lass who loves to delve the beauty of life with a view that "a girl without a dream is like a flightless bird". Gadabout by heart and chocoholic by nature. A teacher by profession. Licensed financial advisor. Self-driven entreprenuer. Spreading love in this chaotic world. ღ

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